Pennsylvania Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS)
Why PA Health and Wellness?
At PA Health and Wellness we understand how important you and your family's healthcare needs are. It's important to us too. We are here to support your health needs and make that part of your day easier. PA Health and Wellness is your partner and advocate for long-term care services.
Is it Right for Me?
Community HealthChoices Eligibles who enroll in a Medicaid health plan include:
Pennsylvanians and individuals who are 21 or older, and have both Medicare and Medicaid, or receive long-term care and supports through Medicaid who need help with everyday personal tasks.
Community HealthChoices will coordinate long-term healthcare coverage to improve the quality of the individual’s healthcare experience — serving more people in communities rather than in facilities, giving them the opportunity to work, spend more time with their families, and experience an overall better quality of life.
The PA Independent Enrollment Broker (PA IEB) can help with your LTSS enrollment. You may call the Pennsylvania DHS Community HealthChoices program toll-free at 1-844-824-3655 (TTY 711) for more information on your eligibility, or visit
PA Health and Wellness is a health plan available through the Community HealthChoices program. PA Health and Wellness does not decide Medicaid eligibility.
The Pennsylvania DHS decides your Medicaid eligibility. The Social Security Administration (SSA) decides eligibility for Supplemental Security Income (SSI).