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Access these resources at any time. If you are working with an Employment Support Professional or Certified Benefits Counselor, you may use these resources in your discussion. For resources specific to other needs, please view PHW Community Connect and/or discuss with your Service Coordinator, Employment Support Professional, or other team member. You can also call Participant Services at 1-844-626-6813 (TTY 711).

  1. PA CareerLink® - Access a variety of supports such as workshops, mock interviews, recruitment events, and connection to resources. You can also access information on apprenticeships, job training programs that lead into opportunities, and more! Your Service Coordinator (SC) can support with making connections. If you are accessing services here, let your SC know.
  2. CareerOneStopCreate an account to save pages, searches, assessments; with an account, you can also share your results with others including Employment Support Professionals. With no login for 30 days, you will receive an email prompt to log in and after 6 months of no activity your account would be deleted. Also, your account is automatically logged out when you close the web browser and/or do not have any activity within 30 minutes. Don’t want to create an account? That’s okay too. You can access the same information, however you will not be able to save as easily as you would when logged into an account.
  3. Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR)OVR provides services to eligible individuals with disabilities, both directly and through a network of approved vendors. Services are provided on an individualized basis.
  4. Ticket to Work and Benefits Counseling
  5. Job Accommodation Network (JAN): A free, expert, and confidential guidance on job accommodations and disability employment issues.
  6. Assistive Technology, Technology Lending Library, and more: TechOWL is Pennsylvania’s AT Program. The team and their contracted partners across Pennsylvania can help you leverage technology to support you at work, at home, and in your community.
  7. PA ABLE: A PA ABLE account gives eligible individuals, and their families and friends, a tax-free way to save for disability-related expenses, while maintaining government benefits. Federal and State law authorized the creation of PA ABLE accounts. Learn more about ABLE 
  8. Financial Toolkit: Frequently Asked Questions  
  9. Financial Wellness Tools via National Disability Institute
  10. Financial Future Planning – a series of tools on retirement and savings.
  11. Money TalksA Webinar Series on Financial Empowerment for People with Disabilities hosted by the Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation.
  12. Ticket to Work and On Demand Webinars
  13. Senior Community Service Employment Program: The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is an on-the-job training program for low-income Pennsylvania residents age 55 and older. Participants work an average of 20 hours per week. 
  14. Mid-Atlantic ADA Center:  Learn more about your rights, as well as some tips along your employment journey.
  15. Medical Assistance Benefits for Workers with Disabilities (MAWD): Please speak with a Certified Benefits Counselor about this program to see if you qualify or if it can be a support to you.
  16. Maintaining, Changing or Losing a Job, and Retiring from a Job 
  17. Find a DMV near you. When applying for a job, make sure your PA State ID or PA Driver’s License is up to date. Have an address change? You can opt for a temporary change until your ID needs to be renewed. Learn more here.
  18. Social Security Card - Be sure to have yours to start work. If you need to request a replacement, make this request as soon as possible to avoid any delays in accepting a job.
  19.  Child Care Works – Explore if you qualify for the subsidized child care program. Consider connecting with benefits counseling as well to discuss.
  20. CONNECT Helpline – Pennsylvania's Early Intervention program provides coaching support and services to families with children, from birth to age five, with developmental delays and disabilities. Gain support by contacting today online or via phone at 1-800-692-7288.
  21. Registered Apprenticeships and Pre-Apprenticeships: This survey is for job seekers across Pennsylvania interested in Registered Apprenticeship or Pre-Apprenticeship programs. The Job Seeker Liaison will review your response and identify active apprenticeship programs matching your interests. If needed, the Liaison may also refer you to PA CareerLink® for additional career support. Please notify your Service Coordinator regarding your interest and/or email

More Supports and Resources

Small Business and Entrepreneurship Support:

PA Health & Wellness Benefits Counseling Guide: