Asthma Guide

Asthma is a disease that affects your lungs. It causes wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness and coughing. It’s unknown what causes asthma, but some things can make it worse. Triggers include things in the air, like pollen and dust mites, mold, pollution, tobacco smoke and other illnesses.

Take these important steps to help you breathe better with asthma:
- Schedule annual health screening/checkup visits.
- If you take medicine for asthma, make sure you take it exactly as directed, even if you are feeling better.
- Make sure you stay away from asthma triggers that could cause an attack.
- Ask your doctor to help you come up with a plan for when an asthma attack happens.
- Talk with your doctor about your symptoms and treatment options.
- Use our Find a Provider tool for help finding a provider.

Asthma Action Plan: Having a plan to care for your asthma can make the condition feel less scary. Use this Asthma Action Plan (PDF).
Asthma Diary: Learn more about asthma and how you can live more comfortably. Use the Asthma Diary (PDF) to keep track of doctor visits, medications and triggers that make your symptoms worse.
Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America: Free, online community for asthma and allergic diseases. Post in support forums, follow topics, connect with other members and more. Free. Available in English and Spanish.
American Lung Association: Free, online community offering peer-to-peer support for people living with asthma. Search for specific topics to find other members who share your interests.
American Lung Association Lung Helpline: Speak to a lung health expert about your asthma questions. They can educate, coach and counsel on a range of topics and connect you to local and online education systems, support groups, providers and medical equipment resources. Call 1-800-586-4872. Spanish interpreters available onsite, and phone interpretation service provided for more than 240 languages.